Full Immersion

Full Immersion

Full Immersion is an intense women’s self-defense program designed for women that don’t have the time to commit for several months.  Therefore, this is a unique program of 14 hours divided into 7 sessions for 2 hours each session. For instance, this training is for women that have a basic to high fitness level.

For instance, Full Immersion it’s an intensive training that gives women critical knowledge and survival techniques. In addition, they learn effectively how to prevent dangerous situations by knowing what to look for and using visual prevention strategies.  Moreover, women learn how to detect the attacker’s body language and to use the appropriate technique to respond and neutralize the attack more aggressively.


    • Good mindset
    • Basic to high Fitness Level
    • Age:  18 up

Some of the topics taught are:

      • Introduction to self-defense
      • Safety and Prevention
      • Empowerment Mindset
      • Women’s fight way
      • Importance of prevention procedures in the streets
      • Body language as a deterrent
      • Punches and kicks blocks
      • Basic stances, hands strikes, kicks, elbow, knees (360 degrees)
      • Techniques against grabbing, pulling, pushing (360 degrees)
      • Method against choking (360 degrees)
      • Rear and sides fall techniques
      • Techniques against being held on a “Bear hug” attack (360 degrees)
      • Techniques against a knife (360 degrees)
      • Fighting on the ground
      • Anti-sexual counter attacks
      • One attacker
      • Multiple attackers
      • Anti-Kidnapping car techniques
      • Inside a vehicle self-defense techniques as passenger and driver



(14 hours) $899.99


(14hour) $ 1,299.99


Group of 5 people
(14 hours) $ 2,599.99

We accept only online payments. Financial Services are available.

(Please note: Prices do not include Virginia Tax 6%)

Payments Options:

Option 1: Payment in FULL of one class (Receive a 5% discount) (Note: The 5% is not available to Save Packages)

Option 2: Payment in FULL of two or more classes (Receive a 10% discount) (Note: The 10% is not available to Save Packages)

Savings Packages Options:

Option 1: Two payments (Only when the total is more than $350)

Option 2: Three payments (Only when the total is more than $1500)